> http://www.best.com/~thvv/mepap.html
That link could go away if Tom ever chose to re-host the site.
He says this link is the permanent one:
> As Eric pointed out, it's nice to keep the h/w, but it's even
> better if you can keep the s/w! (And, no, I don't know where
> to get a copy of Multics emacs...)
Two problems: It's written in PL/I and MacLisp. While the source
to both of those exist, Bernie has said parts of MacLisp utilize
some of the special EIS instructions in the 6180 machine that may
or may not have ever been completely documented, so it's really
tied to the hardware.
But here's a teaser in the form of the comment block from the
Multics Emacs Incremental Redisplay module, which was written
in Lisp:
;;; ******************************************************
;;; * *
;;; * *
;;; * Copyright (c) 1978 by Massachusetts Institute of *
;;; * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. *
;;; * *
;;; * *
;;; ******************************************************
;;; Multics EMACS Redisplay
;;; Greenberg, March 1978
;;; 3/6/78 inceptus Luna meo adjutorio.
;;; 4/19/78 duas fenestras feci.
;;; 5/30/78 ^V creavi.
;;; 6/18/78 signum linearum elongatarum, ^0^L, &c
;;; 7/5/78 Cuncta lineae comparandae sunt, quicumque sint.
;;; 7/27/78 Ostendae sunt lineae quae non in textu sunt.
;;; 8/23/78 Dua fenestrae tacebant, atque mundae factae erant.
;;; 9/6/78 Indices linearum originalum per fenestris comparo.
;;; 3/1/79 Quando laboro in medio linearum elongatarum, omnes moveatur.
;;; 4/4/79 Minibuffer in multos divisus est.
;;; 4/12/79 Mille fenestrae florent.
;;; 8/24/79 ^V et ESC-V argumentes dedi.
;;; Septembri 1979 hoc redisplicator Paltere sustenetur.
;;; 2/12/80 tty-no-cleolp impletur,
;;; mode-line-hook & local-display-end-string
;;; 10/23/80 Praefix minibufferis non delendum est.
;;; 1980 Decembri e manibus meis dimissi te ut sole per mundum
;;; Welcome to the rosy-fingered dawn of the New Era:
;;; Presenting, at popular demand;
;;; A Comment In English!
;;; 30 June 1981 Extending local displays, Richard Mark Soley
;;; 1 July 1981 suppress-remarks and minibuffer-clear-all, Richard Soley
;;; 5 November 1981 truncate overlength modelines, Richard Soley
;;; 19 August 1982 fixed inverse-real-world-xcoord for \c lines,
;;; Barry Margolin
;;; 20 August 1982 added CAH's real underlining code, Barry Margolin
;;; 12 October 1982 modified underlining to use constant 400, Barmar
Received on Sat Oct 21 2000 - 11:36:24 BST