Idiotic people who do not know the value of classic equipment

From: <(>
Date: Sat Oct 21 20:02:14 2000

And the sad part is that the idiots are everywhere, including a local
instituition of higher learning. I have said it before, and probably
even on this forum, that being a member of such an instituition in no way
indicates any common sense whatsoever. The latest just proves that
it applies to just plain smarts as well.

One of my friends who works there (until recently) returned from vacation
a few weeks back to find that much documentation had been pitched, including
the documentation for the currently in use machines and operating systems.

Last year, while he was on vacation, they managed to fill a dumpster with
DEC hardware, VAXstations, DECstations, uVAX 2000's to name some. He had
already made arrangements for he and I to haul it off and we were just
waiting for some warmer weather. He managed to dive and save a few, but
the students who did the actual tossing had 'popped' the monitors. It
was just to dangerous to dive very deep.

There is a good side to this story though. Last month he heard the rumor
of the decision to pitch some more and moved on it quickly. We started
hauling almost immediately. In addition to the 100 BrandX machines
mentioned in another post yesterday, they also allowed us to take a few
DEC & SUN machines.

He has since then left for greener pastures, but we believe we now have
them 'trained' to call us as they retire more DEC in the near future.
Only time will tell.

Received on Sat Oct 21 2000 - 20:02:14 BST

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