On Sat, 21 Oct 2000, Wayne M. Smith wrote:
> I recently acquired two of these 5 1/4 inch drives,
> which have the garage-door type opening (and very low
> ser. nos.). Does anyone know the specs for these
> drives? I assume they are probably SS/SD. They look
> like they may be what was used for the Atari 801. Is
> this right?
I first saw (and bought) the MPI B51 drives at the 3rd West Coast Computer
Faire (that was the one time that they held it in LA.) They were the
first 5.25" drive that I ever saw after the Shugart SA400. We (Elcompco)
were worried about whether they would work for TRS-80, but they did very
They were single sided, 40 track (48 TPI), with faster step than the
Shugarts. IIRC, the B52 was DS, B91? was SS 96TPI, and B92? was DS 96TPI.
The door was a manual closure, and would slam open when you press the
button. But the people who refused to hold the door while it was
opening were the same people who would "flip" the doors (and break
them) on Shugarts and Tandons. We replaced fewer doors on the MPIs than
on the Shugarts and Tandons.
[Richard: although many people did put them in their PC's, IBM did NOT
use them. IBM used first Tandons, and then later some CDCs]
Fred Cisin cisin_at_xenosoft.com
XenoSoft http://www.xenosoft.com
PO Box 1236 (510) 558-9366
Berkeley, CA 94701-1236
Received on Sun Oct 22 2000 - 11:46:17 BST