volunteers requested (was Re: Beginner into Micros, etc.)

From: Lee Courtney <leec_at_slip.net>
Date: Sun Oct 22 12:50:00 2000

> That's OK, thanks anyhow. Fortunately the loading and the road trip
> back to Silly Valley went fine. The majority of the time spent on-site
> was deinstalling the CPU, three cabinets about 48 inches wide by 30 inches
> deep by 60 inches tall, all bolted together. Although I'm sure DEC
> must have shipped the three CPU cabinets separately, it is not designed
> to be easy to assemble or disassemble. There are many cables that pass
> between the cabinets (through the sides), and some of them can't easily
> be disconnected at *either* end.

The CPU for our 20 (either a 2040 or 2050, it's been too long) came in three
separate cabinets. I remember mainly because when the truck making the
delivery from DEC was backing down the ramp to the loading dock at the
Computer Center, the driver tapped on his brakes about half-way down and
lost a tape drive out of the back of the truck. Unfortunatly he didn't know
anything was wrong and kept on backing down the ramp, much to the
consertnation of our operations manager.

Lee Courtney
Received on Sun Oct 22 2000 - 12:50:00 BST

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