Stacking computers

From: <(>
Date: Mon Oct 23 18:02:00 2000

In a message dated Mon, 23 Oct 2000 2:34:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
"McFadden, Mike" <> writes:

<< I have a serious questions to ask. How high can you pile computers and not
damage the bottom units.
I have computers stacked along my garage walls. For example:
MicroVAX II on bottom, three 3B2's next, AT&T Unix PC next, box of keyboards

Although this isn't exactly on topic here, I would like to promise you and
every other Classic Comp'r on the list that if you would see fit to sell/give
me that AT&T Unix PC, I would USE it and never stack or stuff it anywhere :-)
Seriously though, I have been hunting for one of these everywhere and can't
seem to find one...

Linc Fessenden
Received on Mon Oct 23 2000 - 18:02:00 BST

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