old MAC's

From: Ethan Dicks <ethan_dicks_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Tue Oct 24 10:28:52 2000

--- Bill Layer <b.layer_at_vikingelectronics.com> wrote:
> Good day,
> >--- Bill Layer <b.layer_at_vikingelectronics.com> wrote:
> > > Here is my off-the-cuff list of Old Macs To Look Out For:
> > > SE/30
> >
> >Why?
> Because "Richard Erlacher" <richard_at_idcomm.com> had asked :)

OK... smiley aside... why the SE/30? I happen to have one that I
replaced with the Quadra 605. As far as B&W Macs go, it seems
quite nice. Unfortunately for me, I have a couple of SE Ethernet
cards, but none for the inside of the SE/30. I have to use my
only SCSI<->Ethernet adapter with it.

> Yes, the 68040 is a drop-in replacement for the 68LC040.

I just wanted to make sure that the MacOS didn't freak if it found an FPU
in a box that didn't formerly have one. More of an Extensions question
than a hardware question.

> There is information out there about how to overclock that CPU as well.

Cool. If I run across a 33Mhz '040, I'll give it a whirl.

> AFAIK, the 68LC040 in your Quadra 605 actually runs at 50MHz internally, but
> on a 25MHz external bus.

Right. That's an '040 thing. Motorola never emphasized it until much
later, once Intel began hyping the DX2 line of 486 processors.

> Sorry to hear about the abused PowerBook.. :|

At least it was free (to me). I'm still looking for a 120-200Mb SCSI
disk for it for less than a buck a meg.

My Mac experience goes back to the 128K model (a buddy brought one to
work in 1984 when disks were $5 each), but is spotty. I used to support
my mother's business when she had a room full of Mac 512Ke machines with
Dove Snap boards (memory and SCSI), Mac Pluses and Mac SEs. Her most
powerful Mac was an SE with 4Mb of RAM and the original 18Mb disk. She
used them until she closed her doors in 1997. I skipped several generations
of hardware until the IIci and the Quadra 950, and have missed most of
the PowerPC stuff.

Fun boxes that still have their uses.


Even though my old e-mail address is no longer going to
vanish, please note my new public address: erd_at_iname.com

The original webpage address is still going away. The
permanent home is: http://penguincentral.com/

See http://ohio.voyager.net/ for details.

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Received on Tue Oct 24 2000 - 10:28:52 BST

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