Mac TCP/IP networking

From: Sean Caron <>
Date: Thu Oct 26 14:11:59 2000

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pete Turnbull" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2000 4:00 AM
Subject: Re: Mac TCP/IP networking

> On Oct 25, 16:45, Sean Caron wrote:
> > I've actually got the software, already, though. It turns out that
> > has it
> > available on their FTP site for free now, along with the software-unlock
> > passwords (which are on their web site).
> I'm told by a colleague that ome of the later versions are actually
> inferior to 2.x -- he said there was some problem in later versions that
> made the GatorBox run out of memory after a while.
> > The problem with my particular GatorBox is that the former users of it
> had
> > set a password on it which makes it so that I cannot reconfigure the
> > GatorBox using the GatorConfig (if I remember correctly) utility. It
> > for the password before saving the configuration, which I do not have.
> >
> > Apparently, Cayman used to have some sort of back-door for getting
> > back into locked GatorBoxes, but it says on their web site specifically
> > that they are no longer offering lock-out support for them, which is
> > kind of a shame, since they are extremely useful boxes.
> It's listed in the Hardware Manual (and mentioned no a couple of web
> sites). You connect a terminal (or PC or Mac) to the serial port (VT100,
> 9600 baud, 8N1), set the Ethernet switch to "test", power the GatorBox,
> you should get a menu. Select the code memory test, which wipes all the
> settings. However, you will need to re-install the GatorShare software
> afterwards, which will require a Mac and a "download server" (could be a
> TFTP server).
> --
> Pete Peter Turnbull
> Dept. of Computer Science
> University of York

Great! I'll have to give this a whirl once I get home today.


--Sean Caron ( |
Received on Thu Oct 26 2000 - 14:11:59 BST

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