Is an 8" floppy drive in an external case worth $1.95? You betcha!
There's a surplus place here that has a bunch of Chromatics stuff with a 5
1/4" disk drive and what looks like a PC keyboard (5 pin DIN connector, etc
but marked Chromatics). It looks like some kind of video editing equipment.
At 10:04 AM 10/27/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Picked up a Chromatics 8" floppy disk drive yesterday for $1.95.
>Model FD-1000 ser# 001053
>Comes in a big, brown aluminum case with a couple of DB style connectors on
>the back. Any idea to which type of hardware this drive is peripheral? Was it
>worth the haul?
>Bill Layer
>Sales Technician
> Viking Electronics, Inc.
> 1531 Industrial St.
> Hudson, WI. 54016 - U.S.A
> 715.386.8861 ext. 210
> <>
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Received on Fri Oct 27 2000 - 20:33:34 BST