INS8154 used in Cytospin

From: ajp166 <>
Date: Sat Oct 28 21:14:55 2000

From: Richard Erlacher <>

>National made an extension on the 8048, i.e. the 8050, and the 8035 in
>form of an 8040. It had 256 bytes of on-board RAM, but otherwise pretty
>well compatible with the Intel parts. They pushed it pretty hard for a
>or two.

Signetics did the 8050 as well.

I know I have their manuals and 5 or 10 of the NSC8050s (pull EA and
you have romless usability. I was NEC single chip product support
during those years. So from about 76 to 85 I ahve a pretty good
collection of intel or intel compatable vendors docs.

Received on Sat Oct 28 2000 - 21:14:55 BST

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