OpenVMS Hobbyist layered products

From: Bill Pechter <>
Date: Sun Oct 29 07:32:51 2000

> Bill Pechter wrote:
> >All a matter of exposure and experience.
> >
> >I went from VAX/VMS v2.0 -->4.2 and then to Unix...
> >When I hit vi I often resorted to Wordstar 3.x under CP/M and them
> >uploaded via kermit...
> Have you seen the 'joe' editor? It's my ASCII editor of choice on UNIX
> systems, as it uses the Wordstar keybindings. I hated Wordstar but got
> used to the keybindings thanks to various Borland products.
> >Now I'm a Unix geek with 13 years sysadmin experience and my DEC skills
> >are getting rusty.
> Shoot I'm a UNIX SysAdmin by profession, DEC OS's are just my hobby and
> these days VMS is my preferred OS!
> Zane

See... that's why AT&T and BSD had to hook students in college.
If they got VAX/VMS or TOPS10 or TOPS20 in college it was much harder
for the Unix virus to infect them. If they started with Unix they got
the idea every OS had to be Unix-like to be good.

Unfortunately, OS varieties seem to be dwindling as the Windows or Unix
varients push the others out of the data centers. Even IBM seems to be
aiding this movement. (They killed OS/2 on PPC and adopted Linux and AIX --
didn't they).


All the rest of us have is this mailing list, and alt.Folklore.computers.

--    | FreeBSD since 1.0.2, Linux since 0.99.10  
                         | Unix Sys Admin since Sys V/BSD 4.2
                         | Windows System Administration: "Magical Misery Tour 
Received on Sun Oct 29 2000 - 07:32:51 GMT

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