On Thu, Oct 26, 2000 at 05:47:43PM -0500, Joe wrote:
> At 03:32 PM 10/26/00 -0500, Bill wrote:
> SRM = Shared Resource Manager. SRMs are basicly file servers altough I
> suspect what he has may actually be computers with the SRM interface card
> in them. I've never even seen a SRM but I've seen lots of HP computers with
> the interface cards. FWIW the computers will still run any of the standard
> HP OSs; HP-UX (Unix), BASIC, Pascal and HPL.
[I'm a bit late for this...]
I have one SRM server box and here are some details:
Model 50960A with 98204A composite video card (took me a while to
find a monitor.. settled on an on Philips mono), a pretty
normal Human Interface card, 50926A SRM interface card, Moto 68000
with 512 KB memory and a 7946 for mass storage (50 MB hd + 9144 cartridge
tape). Everything in normal DIO-I bus, SRM version 2.2. I also have two
SRM cards that I intend to hook up to some HP-UX boxen but I have to
look up some documentation first (like uh, network topology, termination (?),
cable impedance etc.. in short, I know nothing).
Jarkko Teppo
Received on Mon Oct 30 2000 - 00:34:07 GMT