Storage idea!!!

From: Fred Cisin <>
Date: Mon Oct 30 11:40:02 2000

You have just re-invented the "cargo hammock" or "storage hammock"
If you have a good Navy surplus store nearby, you can get commercially
made ones. If not, you can get cheap "pickup truck cargo nets" in the 6 x
8 foot range.

Screw-eyes will work OK for hanging them, IFF the load isn't too heavy and
the overhedad supports are sturdy.

You could also consider putting in hooks, and hanging a piece of plywood
as an overhead hanging shelf.

Or extend the existing shelving higher and get a ladder.

Grumpy Ol' Fred
> My latest bright idea, an 8x10 net (maybe 10x12) to hang from the garage
> ceiling to hold all my big empty boxes, bags of filler, etc. (a good
> portion of my garage has a 14' ceiling, so I have a lot of "room" even
> above head height. I'm am not entirely sure what one end will be anchored
> to, but I am so jazzed at the thought, that most likely I will run out
> first thing in the morning and buy and put up the net (anything netlike
> should be fine). Lets just say that right now my empty box and foam
> collection takes up about one 8x10 rooms worth of my garage and house.
Received on Mon Oct 30 2000 - 11:40:02 GMT

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