CP/M 1.3 memory requirement

From: ajp166 <ajp166_at_bellatlantic.net>
Date: Mon Oct 30 17:49:37 2000

From: Jeff Hellige <jhellige_at_earthlink.net>

> What is the least amount of memory that CP/M 1.3 will run in?

The standard distribution sized for memory as:

    1.3 16k
    1.4 16k
    2.0 20k
    2.2 20k

This was the expected memeory for the startup of a distribution disk
as it was "sysgened" for that size. It left enough space in all cases
to run sysgen(or movcpm) and leave an images in the available TPA.

The actual memory needed, using the standard SSSD 8" distibution of
2.0/2.2 was 2k for the CCP (when loaded), 3584 byts for the BDOS
and about 1k to 1500bytes for the BIOS. The 1.3 version was only
slightly smaller.

Received on Mon Oct 30 2000 - 17:49:37 GMT

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