--- Carlos Murillo <cem14_at_cornell.edu> wrote:
> At 09:37 PM 10/30/00 -0500, you wrote:
> >It sounds (at least to me) that he's writing 4 64Kbyte eproms that have to
> >exist in parallel on a 32-bit data bus for the total of 256Kbyte...
Yes. I'm sorry I wasn't more clear. I _did_ mention the 32-bitness of
the target machine.
> >byte1 byte2 byte3 byte4 byte5 byte6...
> >
> >And the four files would start out like this:
> >
> >File 1:
> >byte1 byte5 byte9 ...
> >
> >File 2:
> >byte2 byte6 byte10 ...
Right. If all I wanted was four 64KB files that concatenated into the
original, I could use split.
> and of course, you need to know the "endianness" of the machine
> where the dump was generated to see which file corresponds
> to which column-slice of the rom.
Also true. I'll be guessing because the ROM sockets are not numbered
on the board. :-( It's a VAXstation/MicroVAX 2000, if anyone happens
to know what the EPROM byte order is.
I got an EPROM splitter utility from Don Maslin (thanks, Don!) It
appears to be just what I was after.
Sorry for the confusion and wasted bandwidth.
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Received on Tue Oct 31 2000 - 09:27:20 GMT