Want a nice supercomputer ... ?

From: Clint Wolff <vaxman_at_uswest.net>
Date: Fri Sep 1 20:26:29 2000

IIRC, there was a previous discussion here about removal of a Cray
computer. The gist was it is quite expensive (~50K) to drain the
coolant, deinstall the system, move it, set it up, and replace the

Anyone else remember this? I could sell a bit of stock and cover
the opening bid, but I don't know what it would cost to move it.


PS Can I plug this into my toaster outlet? :^

On Fri, 1 Sep 2000, William Donzelli wrote:

> > However, it's a Cray Y-MP C90 and they want a starting bid of only
> > $35,000.00 on it. Oddly enough, no one has bid yet. Though that is
> > undoubtably because it's only been up for about three hours.
> It, like most other supercomputers that appear on Ebay, probably will not
> get any bids, as I think most buyers are quick to realize the mess such a
> sale can make. $35,000 is an awful big bunch of money.
> The C90s are big machines - look at the picture and you will see that the
> thing is rather huge (something like nine feet in diameter). Crays are
> also incredibly heavy, C90s being no different, so they can not be easily
> placed in a home or business (unless gutted, and we don't want to see that).
> It is a shame that PSC seems to be in a hurry about getting rid of the
> machine. RCS/RI would take it in (hmmm...maybe I will send them a
> letter), but there is no way we can have the thing ready to move out of
> there within two weeks.
> William Donzelli
> aw288_at_osfn.org
Received on Fri Sep 01 2000 - 20:26:29 BST

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