Hello McFadden,
On 01-Sep-00, you wrote:
> Regarding White Castle Burgers
> While living in St. Louis in the late 70's there was an article about the
> origin of the White Castle burger. Square burgers with holes to allow
> to cook rapidly, normally cooked with onions. Easily consumed by the
> since they were about 3" squares. Originally only available in St. Louis,
> there were a bunch of White Castle fans/fanatics in Arizona who would
> a refrigerated tractor trailer full every year and would have a huge bash
> consume them. Now they are more widely available. Best with massive
> quantities of beer after the bars close. Rumored also to stop any
> chemically induced munchies. Any printout that was generated while you
> eating them smelled of onions and grease.
> Mike
> Burger biter
According to what their PR department says, the first White Castle was in
Wichita, KS. The first ones I saw were in Columbus OH. I wan't too
impressed with the small size, but I do like them now. Three or 4 WC's equal
one normal hamburger.
BTW, note that the buns are no more than Parkerhouse rolls. Hence the size
of the pattie. I like mine with cheese and horseradish mustard.
I have yet to figure why the frozen varieties cost more than the fresh ones.
a computer geek/fast food conniseur/trivia repository
Gary Hildebrand
Box 6184
St. Joseph, MO 64506-0184
Received on Sat Sep 02 2000 - 05:41:13 BST