D'oh! Backup issue solved
From: Richard Erlacher <richard_at_idcomm.com>
>ANY Win9x-based utility that actually would provide a no-nonsense backup
>procedure, one that would recognize that it formatted the tape, one that
>would follow its own schedule and would recognize the same tape each
time it
>was in the drive. I'd like it to start within 1 minute of when it's
>when running on a 150 MHz machine, and that wouldn't ask me more than
>if REALLY want to do what I just typed. I'd like it to go ahead and
back up
Replica isn't too bad along those lines. ran is for a year on a P133
(not mmx even!)
off a AHA5142 on a HPt20 under NT3.51. The only thing it would not do is
back up
network drives.
>open. When I'm using a 20-tape library, I'd prefer it NOT ask for
>permission to use the next tape, and, having gotten that perimssion, I'd
>prefer it not ask again before overwriting the tape. I'd prefer it be
>to read the backup it wrote yesterday, and I'd be happy if it could
>recognize the tape it just formatted.
I though of getting a Quantum DLT but the cost was high. The Replica
software plays well with it though. It can be preset to overwrite if
>If you know of such a device that works with 4 or 8mm SCSI devices, 100
>percent of the time, preferably unattended, and will actually utilize
Replica worked fine with my TLZ04 (4mm DDS1).
>bandwidth of the tape device (80MB/sec, in bursts, 90 MB/min,
>continuous/aggregate) please share the info with us. The NT stuff is
I have nothing to push tape that hard.
>only OS-resident software I've encountered that actually works. The
>that comes with Win9x works with the picotapes that work on the floppy
>ports, but they can't handle an adult's device.
wrong tool.
>What really PISSES ME OFF about all this software, again, with the
>of the NT stuff, is that it doesn't know about SCSI-1 devices, and
>work one bit better on high-speed large-capacity disk drives than on
W9x drivers are poor at best and ok only for desktop. NT is the only
I'd consider other thn *nix for something server class.
>backups of the whole system over the LAN every day, assuming there's
>bandwidth on its 100Mb channel, I'd use it. I've bought a half dozen
>different vendors' offerings, and half of them don't even run, let alone
>perform backups.
I don't like lan backup as they suck up all the bandwidth and leave the
'net useless for their run time. A 100mb channel is only good for maybe
and even then I'd only expect half that, thats SCSI-1 perfomance at best.
I havent tried a lot of packages, done have a lot of $$$ to spread so
free or supplied with hardware is always tried. Replica came with the
and worked with a lot of hardware I tried fairly well. However it's not
firebreathing stuff you use nor have I tried it at that level. For me a
backup every night is easily handled with that and it runs during the
when our net is not in use.
Received on Sat Sep 02 2000 - 20:07:47 BST
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