Coincidentally, I've got mail here from a DG-guy looking for other
DG preservationists. The appropriate bits follow. I'm sure he'd
love to hear from all interested parties.
| To: History Preservation Buffs
| In a little over 30+ years Data General has gone from exciting startup
| computer company, to number two minicomputer company, to almost a footnote
| in our memories. The recent buyout by EMC has effectively closed the door
| on any corporate interest in saving this important part of computer history.
| A recent increase in 16-bit Nova and Eclipse activity(!) and has made us
| decide to split off a separate web site - - to try to
| deal with these situation. The intent is to salvage, restore, preserve and
| archive all of the 16-bit Nova, Eclipse and compatible hardware, software
| and documentation possible. As part of this effort we have donated most of
| our own DG systems to the various museums, educational institutes and
| collectors. We are also transferring all manuals and software to CDROM to
| preserve this heritage.
| Various clients and vendors have also supported this effort by providing
| hardware, software and documentation that we are transferring to CDROM for
| archival and historical purposes.
| The web site's nostalgia section is planned to be the
| starting point for an expanded area for this highlight in computer history.
| Now I'm scrounging trying to find any and all Nova- and Eclipse-type stuff
| to resurrect, restore and run, and am seeking any Nova/Eclipse/RDOS/AOS
| hardware/software/documentation that could be preserved - any items that
| might be even loaned for testing and/or archival purposes would be
| appreciated. Also, any good tidbits or other such stuff would be great to
| include in the triva section for posterity.
| And third-party DG look alikes are also being sought. Point 4, Bytronix,
| IDP and others were important sub-markets within the DG area along with
| third-party operating systems such as MICOS, BITS, VMOS.
| And site comments/ridicule/suggestions are always welcome!
| Bruce Ray
| Parent company:
| Wild Hare Computer Systems, Inc.
| P O Box 3581
| Boulder, Colorado 80307-3581
| vox: (303) 466-7717
| fax: (303) 465-5780
... and ...
| P S I wrote some of the Keronix system software (KMOS) and other stuff
| for Keronix in '73 and '74, and Doug Chadwick wrote an IRIS BASIC system
| for them (called BITS). I loved my personal IDP 16 with light blue case
| and red LEDs and could perhaps answer other questions you might have. I
| think you responded to a thread on the San Gabriel Keronix question...
Received on Tue Sep 05 2000 - 15:55:03 BST
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