Got Trillium Talkto 616 PBX kit in vintage computer lot...anybody familliar with this unit?

From: Claude <>
Date: Mon Sep 4 21:56:20 2000


I know this is slightly off subject but I now know this group has such a
variety of people with experience in such different field of
electronics...I work with a team of 40 electronics techs for a living
but none of these have worked a lot with phone/pbx stuff...

Got this whole PBX kit in a lot of old/vintage computers I bought. Cost
came out to about $15...with 6 hands-free phones...I am thinking of
installing it in my 3 floor house...I have 6 clean hand-free phones, the
ksu, io cable for stations... I have the manuals for the phones but not
for the ksu. I wired up one phone with the ksu and everything seems to
work...I suppose the KSU has some default settings...but I really wanna
get my hands on the KSU manual...ksu has dip switches with PROGRAM next
to them...anybody ever work with one of these or have the KSU
manual?...Anybody got one of these pbx's in a house and wanna gimmie
pointers for setup/install?

Thanks for reading
Received on Mon Sep 04 2000 - 21:56:20 BST

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