Link MC70 terminal?

From: Kevin Murrell <>
Date: Wed Sep 6 01:23:44 2000

I can probably get you a manual, as my company used to sell these beasts.
Huge heavy thing, which I am sure didn't support reGIS. I will look at


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Chuck McManis
Sent: 06 September 2000 04:56
Subject: Link MC70 terminal?

Hello All,

Over the weekend I was offered a free "color DEC terminal" which I
_thought_ was a VT340 by the description, so I said "Sure, I'll come over
and take it off your hands." but what it was is something called a "Link

This was used with a VAX apparently (even has a DEC keyboard layout with
the "Do" key!) , and can also do graphics. The web says it is 4014
compatible (but no ReGIS as far as I can tell). Does anyone know anything
about this terminal? It is dual session so I'll probably hang on to it.

Received on Wed Sep 06 2000 - 01:23:44 BST

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