Zilog Z-80 Developement System

From: Joe <rigdonj_at_intellistar.net>
Date: Thu Sep 7 22:17:20 2000

   After a lot of negotiation and long delays, I finally picked up a Zilog
Z-80 Developement System today. There are two large boxs in the system,
one has two 8" floppy drives and the other has the main electronics.
There's also a pod connected to the electronics box by a cable. Does anyone
have any manuals or other information about this system? The only thing
that I have is some Zilog brochures for it. BTW stickers on the disk drives
are dated late 1978. I'll try to post a better description and pictures
next week. This weekend will be taken up with the Melbourne hamfest (Yippie!)

Received on Thu Sep 07 2000 - 22:17:20 BST

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