Hi Bill and others interested in teleprinters, whether they be Teletype,
Friden, Creed or etc., used as computer I/O devices (terminals),
Contact Don House at NADCOMM, if you haven't already. North American Data
COMmunications Museum. He's curator of the museum out there in Fallbrook,
Cal. The group preserves teleprinter, telefax and other such data
communications devices that communicated primarily over wire -typically
thru the phone system. Teletype gear is heavily evident as most of the
group has had considerable contact with the brand and lots of it is
available to preserve.
Don's email is: "Don Robert House" <drhouse_at_nadcomm.com>. NADCOMM's URL is:
Additionally there are several of us on this list who are interested in and
collect TTY and other such gear who are on the Greenkeys email list.
(Greenkeys being a name in honor of the green keys on the keyboard of the
Teletype Model 28.) Once again for those newer ClassicCmp folks who may be
interested you may subscibe as follows: Go to www.qth.net and look in the
left-hand frame for the pull-down list with "Select List" in it. Pull down,
scroll down to 'Greenkeys' and click on it, type in your email address,
click 'Submit Request' and wait for next instruction to come to you by
email in a minute or so. Small group but a lot of interesting tech info and
TTY lore has been presented.
They are aware of myself and others who use ASR 33's as a computer I/O
device and not just for landline communications or amateur radio teletype
"GreenKeys is a mailing list (reflector) devoted to the discussion of older
radio teletype (RTTY) gear including mechanical teleprinters, terminal
units, rolls of paper, gears, cams, wingnuts, paper tape, and anything else
related to older RTTY gear.
* Teletype Machines
* Teletype Corp History
* Maintenance, Preservation
* Buy, Sell
* Sources of Supplies
* Terminal Units
* Collectors
* Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical
* Anything Else RTTY Related"
Upon the date 10:32 PM 9/8/00 -0500, Bill Bradford said something like:
>I just registered TELETYPE.ORG, and will be putting up a web site with
>info about the company and equipment and technology... any URLs of
>info or pictures would be welcome (especially pictures). All I've
>gotten right now is the thread from TELECOM DIGEST from a few years
>back about AT&T's dropping of telegraph service..
Good luck with your new website Bill!
Regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA cfandt_at_netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Sat Sep 09 2000 - 16:13:58 BST