After much searching for the right size tool I eventually accepted defeat
and bought a specific tool (well, in reality it's just a 15" T15 driver)
called a MacCracker from RS Components for ukp5.95. Having done that however
you sharp discover the other Torx bits within a Mac that need (or would be
fiddly without) said long driver so it's worth the money.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cameron Kaiser []
> Sent: 13 September 2000 14:59
> To:
> Subject: Re: Mac SE screen
> > In trying to make 1 good SE out of 2 bad ones I managed to
> send the screen
> > to decompression hell while unbending a bent pin on the
> >, before I start dismantling other dead Macs the
> > question is can I use the screen from either a Plus or Classic?
> > And obvious 2nd question - anyone want the bones of an SE
> for possible
> > macquarium use or something along those lines? There's only
> the case, PSU,
> > dead screen and analogue board left though.
> Since you've successfully(? :-) disassembled yours, what did
> you use for
> those top recessed screws? They look like an Allen wrench
> would fit but
> it doesn't seem to be working on mine. The lower ones appear
> to be Torx.
> Incidentally, does Finder 6.0.2 take 1GB disks? (hope hope hope)
> --
> ----------------------------- personal page:
> --
> Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
> -- This signature is free of dihydrogen monoxide! Ban it now! ----
Received on Wed Sep 13 2000 - 09:16:50 BST