Hi back!
At 09:45 PM 9/14/00, Jim Davis wrote:
>The west lab was restricted. You went down to the focault area and headed
>around the corner, to the far west end of the building, past the classrooms.
>the door at the end of the hall was the west lab, Containing a real PDP-8,
>the pdp-11/45 (rsts), and a bunch of other goodies.
Restricted? Well... ok, to the general unwashed... <G> I don't remember
ever getting any (ok, much) grief for being in there... Except maybe
after crashing the '45 trying to improve the idle sequences light flash
routine... B^}
>Gamatron irraditor, liquid
>nitrogen, lasers, tons of chemicals, a great collection of electronic junk and
>a bunch of student projects. Had a desk in there for a year or so. Up in
>a closet, I located that little gem. Played with it for months.
Was that the same closet where they kept the Votrax mainframe stashed?
>Wish I still had my old OMSI software teeshirt. Rusty Whitney and Dan
>fouts? ran the place.
Where is Rusty these days? Last time I saw him was when I was invited to
participate on a computer education task force at OMSI some many years
back... Scary part was, he still remembered (and recognized) me... One of
the first things he said after hello was: "have you learned how to type yet?"
>Terror: the time I plugged in a he-ne laser and it
>shorted the 220 and 110 mains. It blew up the swap drum on the 8.
So that was you, eh? Dang, keep yer lasers away from the drives on my
8-I !!! B^}
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Received on Fri Sep 15 2000 - 00:35:42 BST