At 09:24 PM 9/17/00 -0400, Neil wrote:
>Joe wrote:
>> At 06:49 PM 9/17/00 -0500, I wrote:
>> >
>> > Does anyone have the setup instructions for a CompatiCard I? I'm also
>> >looking for instructions for the Serial EPROMer. I think it may have been
>> >published in the Feb. 1985 issue of Byte magazine.
>> Correction. I just figured out that this is the "Intelligent EPROM
>> programmer" that was in the Oct. 1986 issue and not the simple programmer
>> that was in the 1985 issue. If anyone has a copy of the 1986 article, I
>> would appreciate a copy.
>> Joe
>If no one else has it I can dig it up, I have most of the early issues (I
>know I have that one).
I found an archive copy of the instructions but it doesn't include the
schematics and drawings so, yes, I'd like to have a copy of the article.
BTW, the SB180 makes a nice lunch box computer.
>I saw Steve at the Trenton State Computer Festival (now the Trenton Computer
>Festival but it ain't in Trenton) with one and have since dreamed of owning
>one. But what would be an appropriate lunch box for such a computer?
These are already in nice steel cases. I'd say just bolt a handle to it
and you're all set. :-) FWIW I have some Compaq Portable III computers.
They're nice little 286s in a lunchbox size case with a fold down keyboard
and gas plasma screen. They also have a couple of ISA card slots in them
(if you have the expansion pod). I'm going to install the Compaticard in
one and them and that will give me a portable system with an 8" drive. I
love these little PIIIs, they're great for uses like this and for EPROM
burners and such that need a card slot.
>Linux Home Automation Neil Cherry
> (Text only)
> (Graphics)
> (SourceForge)
Received on Mon Sep 18 2000 - 09:36:27 BST