Computer Kit / Plans

From: ajp166 <>
Date: Mon Sep 18 21:27:41 2000

From: Kevin Stewart <>

>Anyway, I am currently looking for an unbuilt computer kit or plans.
>bus would be cool, but I don't really care about that or the processor -
>z80, 6800, 6502 - I iust want a project. Parts should be easy to find
>relatively cheap. I would prefer a serial interface for I/O.

Your dreaming. An unbuilt s100 kits is worth $$$$. However, z80s and
all the goodies are readily available are are 6800 and 6502 (JDR

Not having a preference is not a good thing I'd say as each cpu is
different and some people do like one over another.

Received on Mon Sep 18 2000 - 21:27:41 BST

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