> --- Bill Pechter <pechter_at_pechter.dyndns.org> wrote:
> > Yup... but an RK05F, RK05J and PDP11/23 cpu in 11/03 5' corporate
> > cabinet with RLV11J and 32mb of memory will blow a 15 AMP 110 AC
> > breaker quite nicely, thank you. 8-)
> How'd you get 32Mb of memory in an 11/03? :-)
OOPS !!!
Actually should've been 32KW (64MB) of memory. Been working with too
many Sun Workstations and Athlons lately...
> Still... nice setup. I wish I had a working RK05f... I have a couple of
> RK05j drives (I ruined the only 'f' I ever saw as a teenager - I didn't
> know what I was doing and I moved the fixed pack when the drive was still
> turning. :-P I still have the platter as a reminder.)
Clean the heads and install a new RK05 pack and it'll probably work.
I had one RK05J that crashed on a platter with a 1/4" ding in it. (DEC
security confiscated it from me at training an shipped it back in a box
standing on one end (up against the plastic covered case screw).
Crash, ding, ding, ding, ding.
Sounded like a bell at every hit.
Cleaned heads, new pack, ran error free.
> Speaking of RK05 drives, is there still a source for absolute filters?
Gee, I don't know.
I do know that one ran a year or so with RT11 and the absolute filter cap still
on the filter (was real warm in the drive, though). Idiot who installed
it should've been shot...
> -ethan
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bpechter_at_monmouth.com | Microsoft: Where do you want to go today?
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Received on Wed Sep 20 2000 - 11:22:58 BST