On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, R. D. Davis wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Tony Duell wrote:
> > With that configuration you should be able to enter programs on the front
> > panel and run them. You should also be able to run Console ODT (a tiny
> Speaking of the front panel of these machines, has anyone here added more
> lights to the front panel in order to have a real set of blinking lights?
> Something tells me that doing so shouldn't be too difficult a hack.
(to quote Bugs Bunny...) Well now, I wouldn't say *that*...
You see, (assuming you have the FP with the 'programmers panel' (seven
segment displays and keypad) rather than the 'operators panel' (power
switch and run/stop/boot dial), you actually have an interesting deviation
from the 'norm' for PDP front panels.
You see, the 'programmers panel' is not hardwired to the CPU/bus like most
of the other systems are. As you watch the display and whack (gently
please) the keys you are actually talking to an (don't bonk) Intel 8008
processor, which in turn actually communicates your intents to the
Now, while this would obviously not preclude adding 'bit lights', it would
be quite the interesting exercise.
jimw_at_computergarage.org || jimw_at_agora.rdrop.com
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Received on Wed Sep 20 2000 - 17:10:49 BST