Login on VMS

From: Neil Cherry <ncherry_at_home.net>
Date: Sat Sep 23 22:25:40 2000

ajp166 wrote:
> From: Neil Cherry <ncherry_at_home.net>
> >What are some of the default logins under VMS. Yes this is the first
> time
> >I've played with the beast.
> FIELD is often there, nearly the same privs as system

Do they have a default password? (probably SYSTEM/SYSTEM and FIELD/FIELD)

> >BTW, how long does it take for DECUS to allow membership?
> A few weeks usually, sometimes it can be 6weeks.

Yikes, I can't wait 6 seconds never mind 6 weeks! ;-) Yet I ride my bike
to work 17 miles each way and consider myself lazy. :-) I used to go
30 miles each way. I also put no trust in technology (I use the stairs),
yet want to automate the world. I like contradictions. :-)
> >I'm dying to get the CD's which I can't until the membership
> >is approved. And lastly can I pop on a 3rd part SCSI drive
> >on the uVax II?
> Yes if you have a third part SCSI controller. I have a CMD200
> with a RZ56 and a Seagate Baracuda in my MVII along with
> an RQDX3/RD54 MFM.

I have a KSQSA/M5976-SA - Qbus to SCSI adapter, will that do?

Linux Home Automation           Neil Cherry             ncherry_at_home.net
http://members.home.net/ncherry                         (Text only)
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Received on Sat Sep 23 2000 - 22:25:40 BST

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