Hello Bill
On 23-Sep-00, you wrote:
> To all:
> I don't know if this classifies as a classic, but I am trying to work
> wonders with an HP Vectra 5/90 XU. Hewlett Packard is less than worthless
> for support . . . is there a list for vintage HPs or can anyone here
> Thanks in advance.
> Bill
I had the same opinion of a Compaq Deskpro 575. I just gave up and built a
clone. And I'm used to having NO support -- I run Amigas here.
I put them all under the classification with the Packard Bells. I don't
even bother trying.
Gary Hildebrand
Box 6184
St. Joseph, MO 64506-0184
Received on Sun Sep 24 2000 - 04:32:29 BST