> My "Ancient Alphabetic Art" web page
> (at http://www.threedee.com/jcm/aaa/) generated an inquiry
> from a visitor. He wrote:
> >Like i said in 1975 at a town fair me & my mom sat in
> >front of a computer and it printed out this photo on a
> >dot matrix printer.
> He sent along a scan of an old image he had. You can see it at
> http://www.threedee.com/jcm/aaa/erik.html if you like.
> I remember systems like this, too. Who made them? What were
> their specs (which printer, what sort of video digitizer, etc.)?
> I would suspect they were a franchise of some sort.
God, wasn't that yet another end-of-life application for the
IBM 1130? I remember them being used for automated horoscopes
and other stuff, set up at the damned mall. Two booths down
was the splatter-art booth (non-computerized, what *did* they
call that???).
Received on Thu Sep 28 2000 - 16:37:27 BST