The Davos PDP/8A stuff has been ( partially ) collected.
The machines have been used ( and modified ) extensivly well upto 1995 at the
Meteoroligical Observatory in Davos .
While making up the list of modules I noticed that one of the *8/A CPU"'s
actually has a PDP8/E CPU board set instead of the M8315. Does this work ? And
will the 8/A programmes console work with this ?
Both machines do not have core memory but the 32K mos memory option.
Part of the haul were 300 pcs Dectapes. Of these about 200 are from
Scotch . If anybody is in dire need of some dectapes......
Not collected were some spare parts : PDP8/E power supply , TU56 (drive) power
supply packs and 4 RK05 head/voicecoile assemblies. These could be made
available if needed.
I will need considerable time to sort things out....
Jos Dreesen
Received on Fri Sep 29 2000 - 17:03:37 BST