Classic Mac Network Games

From: Jeff Hellige <>
Date: Mon Apr 2 20:47:31 2001

> >There's also Marathon, which has been around awhile, but may be again too
>>new for the older machines. It's also a good bit more involved -- probably
>>too hard for very young kids to get into.
>Marathon is one I didn't remember, and as a general tip for things old and
>mac, check which has LOTS of tips etc generated over the
>years on the various email lists Dan Knight ran/runs.

        Speaking of Marathon, does anyone have the original disks for
the orginal version? Mine quit working some time back and I can no
longer install it. We used to play it on our LAN with a couple of
Centris 610's but this was 6-7 years ago. And yes, I do still have
the disks and such...they just aren't very useful at the moment.

       Collector of Classic Microcomputers and Video Game Systems:
                      Home of the TRS-80 Model 2000 FAQ File
Received on Mon Apr 02 2001 - 20:47:31 BST

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