IBM ScanMaster

From: bill claussen <>
Date: Wed Apr 4 23:12:25 2001

Thank You John!~

If you or anyone else has any sources of this kind of info, Please pass
it along!

Bill Claussen

John Allain wrote:

> > I'd be interested in seeing the article. I've repaired many fax
> > machines and was unaware that they have been around for this long!
> OK, this one's a 1907 prototype But! it's for continuous tone images.
> The process is called "Belin Telephotography" and it resembles the
> machine in "Bullitt" mentioned earlier, but as a proto.
> The dual pendulums thing I think I saw in one of the James Burke,
> er, programmes.
> See:
> (warning: cut rate contrast matching)
> If someone wants to OCR this, I'll incorporate it.
> John A.
Received on Wed Apr 04 2001 - 23:12:25 BST

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