Ever take a MicroVax through the car wash??

From: Don Maslin <donm_at_cts.com>
Date: Thu Apr 5 16:07:05 2001

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Pete Turnbull wrote:

> On Apr 4, 15:39, Will Jennings wrote:
> > Errm, since I'm assuming you're talking guns here, I'd imagine the vacuum
> > stands a good chance of not being operable afterwards, too!
> Apparently it was OK. Actually, they were CCI small pistol primers which
> are a little more sensitive than Winchester ones, but I used a little
> poetic license because I thought more people would realise what I meant.
> >From what my friend Mick tells me, some of them went off as they hit the
> metal innards of the vacuum (rather than the brushes). I believe it was a
> pretty noisy operation, though!
> Richard mentioned that Winchester primers come in a flat plastic block; CCI
> ones come in a small subdivided tray, about half the size of the Winchester
> one. They're not individually compartmentalised like the Winchester ones
> and tend to fall out rather easily. Mick had already dropped most of them
> on the floor once, and picked them all up by hand. When he did it a second
> time he just decided that the vacuum cleaner provided an easier solution.
> For those who've not seen them, a tray of primers is about 2" square, and
> holds 100 small round objects, 0.17" in diameter.
> > Reminds me of my
> > mom's friend's mother, who quit vacuuming forever after she mistakenly
> > vacuumed up a bullet.. scratch one vacuum cleaner!
> Ow! I'm surprised the round went off, though.
Probably simply a fluke, or one of the 'legacy' types where the air and
sweepings actually went through the centrifugal blower. (Am I dating
                                                 - don

> --
> Pete Peter Turnbull
> Network Manager
> Dept. of Computer Science
> University of York
Received on Thu Apr 05 2001 - 16:07:05 BST

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