Indeed, changing the search to SGI turned up some good sites. I
haven't been able to fire these up yet though as the keyboards are
missing. A quick call to the place I got them and they were located and
are being saved. Still have to scare up a monitor though.
Mark Green wrote:
> I have a CDC Cyber 910 running happily here beside me. Its
> a re-labeled SGI Indigo R3K workstation. As far as I can tell
> only the labels on the case are different. The standard SGI
> sites have lots of information on these workstations. Very
> solid, mine survived airline handling on the trip from Edmonton
> to Hong Kong. They run IRIX (the SGI version of Unix) up to
> version 5.3.
> --
> Dr. Mark Green
> McCalla Professor (780) 492-4584
> Department of Computing Science (780) 492-1071 (FAX)
> University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2H1, Canada
Received on Sat Apr 07 2001 - 07:44:47 BST