just outta curiosity

From: Lanny Cox <chronic_at_nf.sympatico.ca>
Date: Sun Apr 8 15:42:11 2001

Hmmmm.... so amazingly true. And the worse fact is that the reason most of
these cracker (notice i didn't say hacker) types get thrown in the pen is
due to their overwhelming ignorance and stupidity.

Seriously though, this is an increasing problem. Many supposedly educated
computer types still refer to a tower as a "hard drive" and a processor (be
it whatever it is) as a "Pentium".


----- Original Message -----
From: Billy D'Augustine <azog_at_azog.org>
To: <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: just outta curiosity

> Well, I for one could give you stories that would raise the hairs on the
> back of your neck. I used to work in a "second-hand" computer shop,
> affiliated with a recycling firm. They would take things that looked
> suitable and sell them. Things that looked "interesting" would go into a
> warehouse. Things that nobody knew, or obviously were "outdated" were
> hammered and melted for gold. In ~1993 I once asked the guy if he had any
> suitable machines to run Unix, and he said "what?". I did get a fair share
> of decent stuff from this place. After about a year or so, they gave up on
> anything that was non-Intel and would just melt it down regardless... I
> that several VAX 780s, 750s, and periphs meet with unfortunate fates... I
> saved a 730 and an 11/73 for $100 each (no longer have them)...
> The moral of the story? If there is one, it's about cluelessness being the
> accepted norm, and an anti-educational mindset. "Computers? I'm ub3r7ee7
> hax0r, I can take down amazon in 10 minutes!", from someone who doesn't
> understand, nor could ever fathom, that some machines actually had
> or even 17- and 18- bits, or that one time, a "bit" in a processor was
> several physical devices you could actually hold... Me, I'm not that old,
> but I love the machines :)
> >
> > i have a little shelf that has all of my old processors sitting on
> > it....since the machines wouldnt work....i have a processor from every
> > generation of the X86...some Atari processors...and i think actually a
> > gaming console processors....
> >
Received on Sun Apr 08 2001 - 15:42:11 BST

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