I picked up a SWTP central processing unit, model /09. What is this? It has a
SWTP cpu card (MP-09B) with a 2 MHz MC68B09P, a Hazelwood card marked DM-64 and
a Microworks card with an MC68B21P on it. The MicroWorks card has wires through
the rear of the case. It also has 3 serial and 1 parallel cards. The Hazelwood
card looks burned a bit on the back side of one transistor. The CPU card looks
ok, but I don't want to power it up without first checking the power supply.
What are the voltages for the power supply? What is the MicroWorks card? Does
anyone have any docs or info for this, maybe a website? Thanks.
Received on Tue Apr 10 2001 - 01:01:28 BST
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