Joe <rigdonj_at_intellistar.net> said:
> At 07:40 AM 4/9/01 -0700, you wrote:
> >On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Iggy Drougge wrote:
> >
> >> > Our people need our support now. Later is never in this game.
> >>
> >> Our?
> >
> >Hmmm, good point. This is an international mailing list. I'll bet the
> >very intrusion of this discussion offends a good many people.
> OT as hell but still it would be interesting to hear what some of the
> non-US members think of it.
I'm not offended in the leats!
I think it's all very interesting even if it is OT. Electronic spying has
been going on since radio was invented.
As for other countries, I know our RAF planes regularly _very_ closely
escort Russian planes over the North Atlantic etc.
I would have thought the need for these flights would have declined since
there are so many satellites up there doing the same job, but I suppose
they also need to monitor signals such as those in the bands that are
absorbed by water vapour and CO2 which are increasingly used for secure
short range comms. Also you want to trigger their radar systems and
monitor them.
Anyway it never hurts to show the flag!
As for the radome, it probably contained an ordinary radar antenna
the details of which the Chinese could have got from "Janes Avionics"
but there's no substitute for getting your hands on the hardware...
Stan Barr stanb_at_dial.pipex.com
The future was never like this!
Received on Tue Apr 10 2001 - 04:31:17 BST