large load of old (non-PC) microcomputers available!

From: Cameron Kaiser <>
Date: Tue Apr 10 08:44:57 2001

>> I'd be interested in the SuperPET(s). I might even be persuaded to drive out
>> there but shipping would be much better :-) (Location, San Bernardino,
>> Calif.)

> The basic problem is that they have "maybe" $50 to $100 auction value of
> junk located in the boonies of Arizona, and hope to get a school roof for
> it, value maybe $20,000 or more.

In that case, I can see I would be sized up as gold mine material. :-P

----------------------------- personal page: --
 Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
-- Happiness is having a scratch for every itch. -- Ogden Nash ----------------
Received on Tue Apr 10 2001 - 08:44:57 BST

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