--- "Claude.W" <claudew_at_videotron.ca> wrote:
> Well it would be fun to have PETs...but at those prices...
No kidding. I have enough toys, I guess, that I can afford to be choosy. If
I had wanted one for years and years and never been able to get one, maybe I'd
feel differently, but in this case...
> Blame it on ebay I guess...(I always do now when I see ridiculous prices for
> older computers...)
I suppose it's great if you are selling.
> Or it's the case of someone not knowing what this kinda stuff is
> worth...like seeing some Mac LCs at a garage sale for $300 last summer for
> me...probably more ebay's fault...
Woof! I just got an LC (and an LC III) for $5, and the only reason I
picked it up was the Apple II card inside (in the PDS slot).
They can "need a roof" all they want, but they are going to have to look
elsewhere for the money.
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Received on Tue Apr 10 2001 - 09:33:46 BST