[Fwd: Re: HDOS 3.0]

From: Bob Mason <knightstalkerbob_at_netscape.net>
Date: Tue Apr 10 12:13:10 2001

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: HDOS 3.0
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 13:07:33 EDT
From: DocBogner_at_cs.com
To: knightstalkerbob_at_netscape.net

In a message dated 4/10/2001 8:15:53 AM Central Daylight Time,
knightstalkerbob_at_netscape.net writes:

<< How do I go about transferring from the H-89 to a PC? I know there used to
translator services, used one myself once in 85-86. Is there a software
package for the H89 or PC that will read the others format, or nul-modem the
two together? >>

Bob, it's just been too long for me to remember this offhand. I will have to
dig into some of my old HDOS notebooks. Meanwhile, please repost the above as
a message to me (or All) in the existing HDOS 3 message thread on our forum.
That will get some more replies from HDOS users whose memories are better
than mine.


Bob Mason
2x Amiga 500's, GVP A530 (40mhz 68030/68882, 8meg Fast, SCSI), 1.3/3.1, 2meg Chip, full ECS chipset, EZ135, 1084S, big harddrives, 2.2xCD
Gateway Performance 500 Piece 'o Crap, '98, 128meg, 20Gig, flatbed.
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Received on Tue Apr 10 2001 - 12:13:10 BST

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