Anybody in the UK want a PDP-11? This message was sent to
the Sun Rescue list (please contact sender at BA directly).
----- Forwarded message from "Aristocleous, Aristoteles O"
<> -----
Date: 10 Apr 2001 11:06:47 Z
From: "Aristocleous, Aristoteles O"
Subject: 3 PDP-11s in working order
We are about to throw out 3 PDP-11s, with tape drives,
which were in working order when they were powered off,
together with some Versatect Printers. They should all
still be in working order.
We are based at London Heathrow, UK.
If you are interested, or know of anyone who would be
interested in these machines (in order to save them from
the tip), please let me know as soon as possible.
If you do want them, I think you will need a tail lift
truck, and you must remove ALL the equipment in one visit.
You (or the person who wants it) must also agree not to
make any BA programs or BA data which can found or
recovered from the machines available to anyone, or use it
in any way or for any purpose. We have a lift which is
capable of carrying the PDPs down to ground level.
Best Regards
21st century air travel
----- End forwarded message -----
John Honniball
University of the West of England
Received on Wed Apr 11 2001 - 07:47:00 BST