Collection list (just for phun)

From: Cameron Kaiser <>
Date: Wed Apr 11 08:52:05 2001

> Mattel Intellivison 3

WHAAAAT? You do mean INTV System 3, don't you? If you have a real Inty 3,
then watch out for home invasion robberies when
finds out. :-P As far as I know, they were never released (reference

which was written by the original designers at Mattel).

The INTV System 3 was a later clone of the Intellivision Master Component
after Mattel Electronics folded and sold out to INTV, Inc., which released the
remaining inventory and even commissioned some new games. There's an
explanantion at the bottom of that page, by the way.

My first game system was a Tandyvision One :-) The STIC seems to be burning
out on it, though, which is why I didn't list it.

----------------------------- personal page: --
 Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
-- The superfluous is very necessary. -- Voltaire -----------------------------
Received on Wed Apr 11 2001 - 08:52:05 BST

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