Why Worcester was chosen for VCF East 1.0

From: Jason McBrien <jbmcb_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Wed Apr 11 09:51:26 2001

Distance perception is very strange. My Mom thinks nothing of driving from
the Detroit area to northern Michigan (5 1/2 hour trip) for a vacation, but
refuses to drive to Chicago (4 hours) I try to do something nice for her

Speaking of which, I'm vacationing in Chicago at the end of the month,
anyone know any good retrocomputing spots there? I already know about
American Science and Surplus, they've had a few interesting things but
usually used completed electronic assemblies there are overpriced.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ethan Dicks" <ethan_dicks_at_yahoo.com>
To: <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: Why Worcester was chosen for VCF East 1.0

> --- Vintage Computer Festival <vcf_at_siconic.com> wrote:
> >
> > I've gotten some griping about my selection for the location of the
> > VCF East.
> I haven't been griping, but I probably won't go, either. My loss.
> > I received over 150 responses to the VCF East survey. Here is a summary
> > of the results:
> > State Count
> > ----- -----
> > OH 5
> Woohoo! We are number six! We are number six! (Sorry...) I just read
> the paper that as of the latest census, Columbus is the 15th largest city
> in the U.S. (city only, metro areas don't count in the census).
> > There was also a strong desire to keep the event close to the Rhodes
> > Island Computer Museum and the Retro-Computing Society of Rhodes Island
> > that tours to those facilities could be organized.
> That's a sound reason. I've always wanted to see the RCS/RI (ob. nit
> pick: Rhode Island is singular. The island of Rhodes is in the
> > Worcester is still within only a few hours of where most of the
> > attendees will be coming from. I don't know how you east coast folks
> > perceive distance, but I've lived in California all my life and a 6-hour
> > drive from the San Francisco bay area to the Los Angeles area is no big
> > deal to me. I made the round-trip in one day a couple weekends ago to
> > pick up an old computer. Driving a couple to three hundred miles should
> > not be a major ordeal for most folks.
> Most folks around here won't go two hours to Cleveland (jokes about
> unnecessary here). In six hours, I can almost get to D.C. (it's under
> St. Louis is just a little farther than that. Massachusetts is way too
far to
> drive for a weekend. Flying would be required, as for VCF-West.
> As to East Coast distance perception, think of England - it's a country
> smaller than most U.S. states. They think 100 miles is the ends of the
> Earth. My experience is the smaller the state, the greater the distance
> perception. Lotsa small states once you get East of the Mississippi.
> Feel free to disagree as you wish.
> -ethan
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Received on Wed Apr 11 2001 - 09:51:26 BST

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