Collection list (just for phun)

From: Bill Sudbrink <>
Date: Wed Apr 11 11:17:56 2001

> > I'd like to see some of your lists. I bet some of you would be
> > hard pressedd to list your whole collection in a message that the
> > list server would accept (too large).

Here's my list (from memory):

Ohio Scientific:
  original Challenger 8K (Blue/Black)
  Superboard II
  C3D (big sucker, triple CPU, 14" 20Meg hard
       drive in 4 foot rack)
  enough boards to make another C4P and
    a couple of C2OEMs plus lots of custom
    peripheral controller boards built from 470s
  several large boxes of OSI docs and software

  Altair 8800b (turnkey)
  IMSAI 8080 (front panel)
  IMSAI 8080 (turnkey)
  NorthStar Horizon (thanks Frank!)
  XOR (4 slot chasis, fits in an 8" drive position)
  large collection of boards from old computer store
    going out of business (thanks for the help Tim!)

  6809 - Well, just the chasis (no lid) and a memory
    card so far. Looking for everything else!!


IBM and IBMish... 808x:
  PC (64K motherboard)
  Expansion Chasis (with support cards, cable and the
                    foam pad to go between the two boxes)
  PC (256K motherboard)
  XT (256K motherboard)
  XT (640K motherboard)
  AT (with 512K motherboard with "piggyback" chips)
  Compaq Deskpro 286 (8MHz)
  PCs Limited 8088 box (can't remember the name)
  Sanyo MBC-550
  Ergo Brick
  large box of 286/386/486 motherboards
  several copier paper boxes full of
    8 and 16 bit ISA boards

  CBM 8032

  GRiDPAD 1910

  TRS-80 Model 1 level 1
  TRS-80 Model 1 level 2
  CoCo 2

  a whole stack of Mac stuff I haven't
    had time to go through yet... I know
    there is an original MacII (it's the
    bottom of the stack) and there are
    some laptops on the top

Misc stuff:
  More than 30 8 inch floppy drives... Shugart,
    Seimens, Tandon
  MITS, Pertec and XEROX 8 inch floppy drive cases.

I know I'm forgetting some stuff...
Received on Wed Apr 11 2001 - 11:17:56 BST

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