Collection list (just for phun)

From: Eric J. Korpela <>
Date: Wed Apr 11 11:21:49 2001

This is from memory.... Unless otherwise noted they are functional.

2 TRS-80 Pocket computer (one is in need of batteries.)
TRS-80 Model 4P
Tandy 6000 HD (needs repair of a jumper wire on the mainboard)
TRS-80 MC-10
Atari 2600
Atari 7800
Atari 800
Atari 800XL
Atari 1040ST
Apple ][+
Apple //c
Apple IIgs
Apple Mac Portible (currently only displays bombs on bootup)
Apple Mac Plus
Apple Mac IIfx
Apple Mac IIlc
Boston V
2 Commodore 64
Compucolor II
HP 86
Osbourne I
Timex/Sinclair 1000
Timex/Sinclair ???? forgetting the damn model number (1500?)
AT&T 7300 Unix PC
Epson Equity II
Epson PX-8
Epson QX-10
3 no-name XT compatible
1 no-name AT compatible
1 no-name 386 machine
1 no-name Pentium machine
1 Dell Pentium II machine
A pile of assorted cases and Pentium Pro and Pentium II motherboards that I
  keep meaning to do something with.
Magnavox Odessey2
Sega Genesis
Sharp 6800? forgetting another damn model number
Olivetti M10
Sun 3/110

If you count coprocessor boards as separate computers,
  8086 processor board for the AT&T 7300
  PC Transporter (V30 processor) for the IIgs
  Z80 CP/M card in the Boston V

Speaking of the PC Transporter, does anyone have a newer driver disk that
would allow the memory on it to be used as a RAM disk under System 6.0?
Since upgrading from System 4, attempting to install the RAM disk driver
results in a crash during boot-up.

Received on Wed Apr 11 2001 - 11:21:49 BST

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