My Collection

From: Musicman38 <>
Date: Thu Apr 12 19:36:39 2001

Here's a partial list of my collection.
I have many more just not cataloged yet..
My Favorite is the Original Commodore Pet 8K,
and Original Osborne 01 Tan case..
All my computers are working with the exception of 2 or 3..

Apple 2C Mint Monitor, Prtr,Manuals
Apple 2GS Mint Prtr,Monitor,Drive
Apple II Mint Assorted cards
Apple IIe Mint 80 col card
Apple IIe Mint DuoDisk,SCSI,Manuals
Apple Iie Platinum good Asst Cards
Apple II-plus dead Assorted Cards
Atari XE Mint Kybrd, lots games
Atari 400 Mint Many Extras + Carts
Columbia XT Portable Mint 10 Meg Hard Drive
Columbia XT Portable Dead Dual Floppy drives
Columbia XT Portable Good Dual Floppy
Columbia XT Portable Good 20 Mag HD
Corona Portable XT VGood Dual Floppy
Commodore 128 Mint Mint, Floppy, Printer
Commodore 128 Good Missing 2 keys works
Commodore 128 Ukwn Not Tested
Commodore 16 Mint Box,Cassette,Manuals
Commodore 16 Mint Box, Manuals
Commodore 64 mint Box,Manuals
Commodore 64 Mint Box,Manuals
Commodore 64SX Exec Mint Runs great
Commodore 64SX Dead Very Clean
Commodore 8032 vgood 32K Ram
Commodore Amiga 500 Mint Stock
Commodore C128D Mint W/Kybd
Commodore C128D Dead W/Kybd
Commodore Pet Good
Commodore Plus/4 Mint Box, Manuals
Commodore Plus/4 Vgood Box, Manuals
Commodore Plus/4 Mint In Box w/Manual
Commodore Vic-20 M1 Mint Box, Manuals
Commodore Vic-20 M2 Mint Box, Manuals
Compaq Portable XT mint Dual Floppy
Compaq Portable XT Mint Dual Floppy
Compaq Portable XT Good 10 MB Hard Drive
Compaq Portable XT Plus Dead 10 MB Hard Drive
Compaq Portable II 286 Mint 20 MB Hard Drive
Compaq Portable II 286 Mint 20 MB HD & Modem
Franklin Ace 1200 Mint Dual Drive, Manuals
IBM PC-Junior Mint Monitor, Expanded
IBM PC-Junior Mint Monitor
IBM PC-Junior Ukwn
IBM PC-Junior Ukwn
IBM Portable XT 5155 VGood Hard Drive, Floppy
IBM PC-XT VGood Dual Floppy,10MB HD
IBM PC-XT Mint Color,HD,20MB
Kaypro 1 Vgood Works Perfectly
Kaypro 1 Vgood Manuals Software
Kaypro 10 Good Bad Hard Drive
Kaypro 10 Vgood Works Fine
Kaypro 10 Mint Perfect all Books/Sftwre
Kaypro 16 Vgood Work Fine
Kaypro 16-F Mint Dual Floppy - Rare
Kaypro 2 Vgood Manuals, SOftware
Kaypro 2X Good Mint CP/M & Manuals
Kaypro 4-84 Mint Carrying Case
Kaypro II Mint Manuals, Carry Case
Kaypro II Good Works OK
Laser 128 Vgood Manual
Mattel Aquarius Mint Manuals, Cassette
Mattel Aquarius Good Manuals
Mattel Aquarius Mint Boxed w/All Periferals
Osborne 01-A Mint White Screen
Osborne 01-A Mint Green screen
Osborne 01-A Dead Tech Manuals
Osborne 01 Vgood Complete w/Manuals
Osborne Executive Mint Manuals, Software
Osborne Executive Poor Manuals, Software
Radio Shack CoCo 1 Good 4K,Gray,Chicklet keys
Radio Shack CoCo 1 Mint 16K, Manuals
Radio Shack CoCo 1 Good 16K Ram
Radio Shack CoCo 2 Mint 32K Ram, manuals
Radio Shack CoCo 2 Good 32K Ram
Radio Shack CoCo 2 Mint 64K Ram, Newer Kybd
Radio Shack CoCo 3 Mint 64K RAM
Radio Shack MC-10 Mint Box, Manuals,PS
Radio Shack MC-10 Mint PS
Radio Shack Model 1 Dead
Radio Shack Model 1 Mint Level II Basic 16K RAM
Radio Shack Model 100 Vgood Manual
Radio Shack Model 102 Vgood
Radio Shack Model 4 Good
Radio Shack Model 4P Mint Manuals, Software
Radio Shack Model 4P Good
Tandy 1200FD Vgood
Texas Instruments 99/4A Mint Silver/Blk
Texas Instruments 99/4A Mint Beige/Tan
Texas Instruments 99/4A Mint Mint in Box, Manual
Texas Instruments TI99 Mint Silver/Blk
Texas Instruments TI99 Mint Box,Manuals Beige
Texas Instruments TI99/4A Good Beige/Tan
TI-Expansion good Expansion Box Loaded
TI-Expansion & Manuals Mint Manuals, Everything Loaded
Timex 1000 poor Works
Zenith Z170 Mint Manual, Very Clean
Mac SE/30 Mint Clean, HD, SCSI
Mac Plus Vgood Clean
Mac Plus Vgood Clean
Mac II LC Vgood Kybds
Mac SE Vgood Clean
Mac Laptop Bad Clean
Mac 512 Vgood Clean
Mac Classic II Mint Clean, SCSI HD
Received on Thu Apr 12 2001 - 19:36:39 BST

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