1702A EPROM Programming

From: Glenn Roberts <groberts_at_mitre.org>
Date: Fri Apr 13 06:13:33 2001

I've been working with someone who has an old 8080-based single board
computer he's trying to get to work. We're investigating several
possible problems but it's starting to look like there's a problem with
the EPROM. I have the ROM code he needs and will be checking out the
EPROMS, but we may be faced with a need to reprogram one or both of
these. They're the old 256 byte 1702A Intel chips (ceramic). I've only
programmed the 27xx series but have read that the 1702's are "really
difficult" to program. Was wondering if folks in this group could
comment on how to proceed if/when we decide we need to reprogram one of
these. Are there more modern plug compatible alternatives? We may also
need to replace one or both - any sources known other than eBay?

p.s. FYI, the computer here is the "MMD-1", an old 8080
trainer/breadboarding box. here's a picture i found on the web:


- glenn
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