VaxStation 2000 PSU info needed

From: ajp166 <>
Date: Sun Apr 15 17:24:48 2001

From: Richard Erlacher <>

>I snagged a VaxStation 2000 box some time back, mainly for the PSU. It
>out that it has a couple of lines, on the 9-pin MOLEX main power output
>connector, the purpose of which is not clear. There's one that seems to


I have three working plus a TK50 in an external box (same box), if that
isn't enough I must have 6 or so of the PSUs that I use for "projects".

The PSU wants a 10W load minimum on both the +5 and +12.
It's rated 160W OUTPUT. It easily runs a P166 with options.
The +12 is heafty enough to run a MAXTOR2190 with reserve
figure it for not less than 4A.
The remainder is on the +5, If memory serves it's good for 12A++.
The minus voltages are for RS232 type use figure them for .5A.

The "floating line" is powerfail and is open collector. I rarely use it.

Have fun
Received on Sun Apr 15 2001 - 17:24:48 BST

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